, who the hell knows at this point. I haven't slept.

Apr 12, 2005 04:52

Things have been pretty good up here so far. That kid, Gary? Something, I don't know, but he came by again, made a few more toys...and that's when his wife showed up. God, that girl has been something between a godsend and a fricking bother.

Apparently, she's going a little baby crazy. Fine. That's great. I'm happy for them, new couple and all. He doesn't seem all that into it, but she's completely obsessed. She's been watching Teddy for me while I go eat and any other time I feel like going out. The first few times, I was a little nervous and everything, considering, but she's actually not too bad at it and she loves doing it and Gary seems all right with it since it's placating her from actually getting one of her own.

She's watching him now, though I still keep the baby monitor on me just in case, you know, and I'm feeling not only hungry, but social...a fricking miracle of the ages, that one. So down I go, Cosmic Rod in hand since I'm feeling a little like flying tonight, but
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