Hives, DragonCon, and coming home

Sep 06, 2011 18:23

We spent an hour in line at DragonCon to get our passes. Yeowch. I went to three writing seminars and a corset-making lecture. At one point my phone was really low on battery so I went with Rob to his room and we talked for a bit and ate some food while giving my phone 30 minutes or so to charge up. It was nice to be able to sit and chat with him for a while like that.

The hives started to come back. They made it hard for me to sleep very well and so when it was time to go to the airport Monday morning I was a complete zombie. We stopped at McDonald's and got breakfast to eat in the truck and it took me the whole drive to the airport to eat my egg and cheese biscuit because I was almost nodding off.

I barely remember the trip home. When I told Dan last night that I didn't even remember going through security he said he was surprised, since I'd been patted down. Then I remembered the pat down part, but I don't remember standing in line, putting my stuff on the belt, taking off my shoes, etc. I don't remember boarding the plane. I don't remember the flight (I slept). I only vaguely remember my friend Cheryl picking us up from the bus and driving us home. I was just too sleepy.

I was awake and safe to drive and everything when I went to pick up Dominic from the bus, but I don't remember much about it, because of the overlaying fatigue. It's good to have him home from his summer vacation, though. I missed the kid.

I went to bed at a reasonable time last night, though, and didn't really have any trouble getting up this morning. The hives were still there. My lower eyelid on my left eye was swollen. I had a huge patch of hives on my right thigh, the insides of my knees, the tops of my feet, my elbows, and my wrists.

I left for work 15 minutes early, figuring it never hurt to be early and traffic can vary wildly. Well. The Masspike was a parking lot. A. Parking. Lot. Not moving at all. It normally takes me 30-40 minutes to drive to work, but today it took me nearly 2 hours. I talked to my dad on the phone for a while, which was nice. When I finally got off the turnpike, my exit has a bridge over it, so I could see the traffic stretching forward. Not too far down the pike, there was a car off to the side, on fire. Like really, really on fire. Huge flames. I'm assuming that is what screwed up traffic. I hope nobody was hurt.

Dan had suggested last night that I call my doctor today, so I called and made an appointment to see her after I got off work. I itched and scratched my way through the day and finally got to the doctor's just after 4pm. She confirmed the chronic urticaria diagnosis and gave me an injection and wrote me a prescription for prednisone and an EpiPen.

The shot was an hour and a half ago... she said that it would start working in an hour. I'm still a walking itch, but I think the welts are going down a bit.

Tonight is movie night at our friend Matt's house. I hope I can enjoy the movie instead of just sitting there itching.

travel, health, drugs
