Medication update

Apr 07, 2010 15:23

So next week I see my psychiatrist again and hopefully we get something going that will work on the sleep front.

The Geodon seems to be keeping me in check, bipolar-wise, but it's a little hard to tell since the symptoms of bipolar can crop up whenever and stay away whenever, so it may be that I'd have been fine all this time on nothing at all. It's a frustrating thing to try to medicate.

The sleep thing, though, isn't going so well. Right now I'm on 10mg of melatonin plus 200mg of Trazodone every night, and that doesn't make me sleep. It seems like about 50% of the time I come out of my room a few hours later and take 60mg of Temazepam on top of that, and maybe have a drink* as well, just in a desperate attempt to get some shut-eye. I don't know if the doc will increase the Trazodone or try something different, but something's got to change because this current setup just isn't working.

*I think of having a drink as sort of like getting a power booster to my medication. I know it's not good to mix drugs and alcohol as a general rule, but when a drug isn't working well enough and the side of the bottle says "alcohol may intensify effects" it's hard not to try, you know? Overall I've been drinking a lot less recently, which is good. I'd been starting to get a tolerance which is never a good thing.

insomnia, drinking, drugs
