So here we are at just over 24 hours post-amputation. I'm laying on the couch with Ding curled up with me. (I fell asleep at 10:30 last night after taking my sleep meds, but woke up an hour later and have been up ever since. Sigh.) Then next thing I know before I could stop her she stood up and jumped off the couch. Now, I would not have let her do that if I had seen it coming. She only has one front leg and she hasn't learned her balance all the way yet after only one day.
So I winced when I saw her jump, fearing that she would fall when she hit the floor. But she didn't. She landed, and then hopped her little buns into the kitchen to tell me she was hungry. So I got her food ready and brought it back to the living room (kitchen floor is cold) and was going to put it on the floor for her but she passed me and hopped up the ramp. She wanted to eat on the couch.
I can't believe how quickly she is adapting to this. She's awesome.
Oh, and when I went in to get her food, there was a deer in the front yard. She looked up (big window in the kitchen, and it's open) when she heard me and watched me for a little while to make sure I wasn't a threat, then went back to munching the grass and trying to get the corn off the
squngee. We looked at each other off and on as I fixed Ding's food. There were a couple of other deer in one of the neighbors' yards.
Completely unrelated story: Dan and I walked down the street to pay the rent (landlord lives about a block away) and as we were leaving we saw the neighbor across the street working in his yard. We said hi to him and he said hi back. He's probably about 70--almost all of our neighbors are very old. Anyway, since I saw the baby deer the other day in the yard next to his I asked him "have you seen the little baby deer yet?" and he said--totally straight--"oh yeah. He looked at me like he was gonna eat me!"
It was hilarious.