At least I can get stuff done when I can't sleep...

Oct 15, 2007 23:24

So last night I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep, and I had some school work that I could be doing anyway, so I was up until 4:30am basically "in class". Then I went into the guest room to sleep both because I didn't want to disturb Dan and because today was a day off for Dominic's school, so I didn't have to get up in the morning--but Dan did. So by sleeping in the guest room I could toss and turn at 5am without waking Dan up, then sleep in without him waking me up.

Or at least that was the plan. I read for a while. Ok--I read for several hours. I tried a couple of times to turn off the light and put the book down but I still couldn't fall asleep. Finally I couldn't read anymore either, because my eyes were too tired. So then I lay there in bed, awake, wishing I could sleep. I gave up around 11am and just got up. I think I dozed off a few times for a cumulative total of about an hour. Whee.

I do have a new prescription, though. I think I will take it tonight and see if it works. It's Temazepam. I've taken it twice so far. The doctor told me to take one or one and a half, depending on what I needed, and see how that worked. The first night I tried it, I fell asleep within an hour and slept for 8 hours straight through--which I never do. The second time I took it nothing much happened, and 2 hours later I took another one (since I figured that taking a half of one after two hours wouldn't do much). I did finally fall asleep, but I don't think the meds actually did anything that time.

We'll see what happens tonight.

Dominic has had trouble sleeping recently, too. A few nights ago I sat with him in his room with the lights out and led him through some relaxation and breathing meditation for about 10 minutes, and he said he was able to fall asleep after that. Tonight at about 11pm he came downstairs, told me he couldn't sleep, and asked me to do "the meditation thing" with him again. I did, and hopefully he's asleep by now. Poor kiddo.

insomnia, drugs
