I appear to be coming down with my annual or semi-annual case of strep throat. Started feeling poorly about two days ago, slept terribly last night, and had Tom take Eleanor to school this morning. I have all the usual early symptoms.
Went to the doctor's and saw the nurse practitioner, to whom I confessed that I'd gone to the school clinic for
last year's bout. She looked, but the visual check wasn't obvious, and I don't have a fever. Lungs are clear, so no pneumonia. She swabbed, and the swab culture will be back early next week. We discussed our gameplan: she called in a prescription to my local pharmacy, which I'll fill on Saturday or Monday if I can't kill this thing with antihistamines, hot showers, and good food. It may be just a sinus infection or a nasty, nasty cold, either of which I'll ride out rather than throw antibiotics at.
Oh, there was good news at the doctor's office. Sometime last summer, post-bar exam, I'd had my blood drawn for a general work-up. My cholesterol is low where it should be low and high where it should be high. My blood pressure is low, as usual (this is why I don't limit the salt in my diet and don't use "low-sodium" varieties of things -- and possibly it's why I crave salty food so much). My hematocrit is low, as usual, but within an acceptable range considering the thalassemia.
To bed, to bed. Lousy sinus headache, and antihistamine starting to kick in.