Title: Their purpose here is...
(Challenge:) Age
Character/s: Everyone with a D in their name
Song: Believe
Artist: K's Choice
Rating: K+
Warnings: Non.
Disclaimers: I do not own One Piece nor the music!
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Bravely I look further than I see
Knowing things I know I cannot be, not now
I'm so aware of where I am, but I don't know where that is
Ages had come and gone, never stayed for more than mere seconds in their eyes. That was what life was to them, seconds of joy and pain before they died with a smile on their lips, accepting and welcoming their fate. It scared those around them, those who had not basked in their light.
Tomorrow I was nothing, yesterday I'll be
Time has fooled me into thinking it's a part of me
But their fire, no one could escape. They lit the whole world, proclaimed new rules and dreams just by living. Since not one of them saw their choices as important to someone other than those they loved. Yet they burned the whole world with their passion.
Touch the fingers of my hand
And I wonder if it's me
Holding on and on to Theories of prosperity
Someone who can promise me
I believe in me
Those close to them is not only the ones closest to the miracles, but also those closest to the human. Even if they turn everything upside down, they still pull their loved ones close and straight them and their lives out. And that is how they change the world, by doing such unselfish things for those they care about. Even if it means pain, they ignore it all and push the limits of the human.
Wait for me, I'm nothing on my own
Drained of their power in the darkness, they become the light to new ages and dreams, as they live in their own world, pulling all of us in just by simple actions. Saving the life of a little girl, carrying an innocent child for 20 months, turning themselves in to the Marines. All this, they did for someone else, all this changes the world.
As long as you're in front of me then I'll
I watch the fingers of our hands
And I'm grateful that it's me
Holding on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
I believe in me
Surely, their is a Japanese word standing for 'creator of ages', starting with a D.