Гражданская война в САСШ в цвете

Apr 20, 2013 07:35

Оригинал взят у folkvald в Гражданская война в цвете
Колоризированные фотографии эпохи Гражданской войны в США

Staff of Gen. Porter; Lt. George A. Custer reclining

Brandy Station, Va. Capt. James M. Robertson and staff, 1st Brigade, Horse Artillery

George Washington Custis Lee, Robert E. Lee, Walter Taylor

US Colored Troops at Dutch Gap

Officers Aboard the USS Monitor

Philip Sheridan, James Forsyth, Wesley Merritt, Thomas Devin & George Armstrong Custer

A.P. Hill

Alexander Stephens

Antietam, Maryland, Sept 1862

Confederate Sharpshooter; Gettysburg, July 1863

Generals Merritt, Gregg, Sheridan, Davies, Wilson, & Torbert lounging around camp

Marsena Patrick and Staff

Laid out for burial at Antietam; Confederate

William T. Sherman

Braxton Bragg

George Pickett

George Meade

Lt. General U.S. Grant

Major General George Custer

Pvt. Francis E. Brownell

Confederate Prisoners at Camp Douglas

Больше: http://images.historyinfullcolor.com/civilwar

photo, война, история

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