Well, why not?

Jun 13, 2008 00:12


Or, free-for-all-fic, or fic free-for-all, whatever phrasing floats your boat, if you will.


OKAY and one more thing, guys, if your story is going over five comments or something to that effect and you still have more to post, please start a thread in here, with a link to the prompt or where the first ( Read more... )

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anonymous June 14 2008, 06:04:02 UTC
Augh! Stupid forgetting to close tags...no delete/edit function...grumble

“Well?” The lazy satisfaction in that tone was enough to make Zoro scowl, green eyes as hard as jade as they flickered across freckled cheeks and met banked fire. “I’ll oblige you if you don’t want to sit comfortably for the next few days but if you’d prefer to still walk normally, you’d better get to it. That ass isn’t gonna slick itself.”

If looks could kill, Ace would have been a dead man. As it was, his grin only widened as Zoro dropped his gaze. “Damn pushy bastard.”

“What was that?” Warm hands reached out and wrapped around scarred ankles, lifted one up onto a bare shoulder. The view was perfect, everything on display right down to the flush just visible beneath the swordsman’s tan.

The ‘fuck you’ was half-hearted, almost sullen, defiant pride finally giving way to lust. Zoro brought his hand to his lips, slipping two fingers across his tongue perfunctorily. Ace watched with obvious pleasure as Zoro pressed damp fingers into his body, opening it to the older pirate’s gaze. Suggestions to ‘slow down’ or ‘just a little more’ were met with glares, exasperated sighs, and immediate and unquestioned obedience. It took time to get the swordsman into that zone of surrender, the place where the walls came down enough for Ace to see just how eager Zoro was to take his commands, to please him despite the continued façade of grudging acceptance. But it was always worth it as Ace was reminded as he finally moved Zoro’s hand away and pressed into his pliant body.

Heat surged between them, flames roaring to life in Ace’s eyes as he spread Zoro wider, drove deeper into his body. The swordsman groaned softly, his jaw gone slack with the lack of resistance, when Ace leaned forward to leave bruises and a few faint burns along his throat. He didn’t give even a token huff of protest to the murmured suggestion that he finish himself off with a few harsh strokes beneath Ace’s intent scrutiny.

Afterwards, sticky and tired, all Ace had to do was smile and crook his arm in offering. Zoro never refused a willing pillow nor the absent kisses dropped against the crown of his head until one or both of them started snoring.


not-original-poster anonymous June 14 2008, 06:54:12 UTC
alksdhfaow! hotness!!!!



OP hurr anonymous June 14 2008, 14:12:21 UTC

I think that sums it up about right. ty bb. ♥


anonymous July 18 2008, 10:35:59 UTC

I like that pairing.


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