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Unfilled (BOTH posts updated to about half of page three, updated Sept 21, 11-something pm, GMT -5
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The Sergeant paced up and down the line of Marine recruits, sizing up his new charges one by one. He sneered.
“You sorry bastards don’t know shit about what you’ve just signed on for. If you think you’re gonna be a big damn Marine hero, well think again. This is the Age of Pirates. The boogey-man stories that your mamas’ told you to get you to eat all your veggies ain’t shit compared to what you’re gonna see on the Grand Line. The only way that you’ll have a snowball’s chance is to rely on each other. You are going to eat together, sleep together, train together, breathe the same goddamn air. You are going to become a family, or you are going to get killed. Semper fi!”
Bellemere stood braced at attention at the end of the pack of recruits. Family, huh? She’d never had one of those before.
“Well boys, look what we have here,” one of the recruits said, eyeballing Bellemere as she elbowed her way through the barracks looking for an empty bunk.
Cat calls and wolf whistles echoed around the room as all the other recruits realized that their platoon had just become co-ed.
The man closest to her took a long drag from his cigar and exhaled, blowing smoke in her face. “Hey baby, why don’t you bunk over here with me.” He patted his bed suggestively.
“What’s your name?” She asked, dropping her duffel bag and taking a step towards him.
“Morgan,” He said, leering down at her.
Bellmere took another step towards him and swung her foot up, kicking him solidly in the jaw with enough force to knock him down flat on his back. Planting one boot on his chest, she plucked the cigar from his mouth.
“I’m Bellemere.”
She smiled.
“All right recruits, now that you’ve been assigned your kit and uniforms, it’s time for your induction buzz cuts!” the Sergeant barked. He paused, turning to Bellemere, “Except you, of course. We know how you ladies like to keep yourselves looking pretty and presentable.”
Bellmere grinned sharply enough to cut glass. She ran her fingers through her long hair, flipping it back over one shoulder.
“Go fuck yourself,” she said cheerfully, and seized the razor from a startled looking cadet. She looked the Sergeant square in the eyes as she grabbed a handful of her hair and buzzed it right off. She took a couple more passes on each side of her head, leaving a strip long right down the middle.
“What do think, sir?” She asked.
“I think you missed a few spots, Marine.”
“Heh. It makes me feel pretty.” She said, tossing the razor back to the cadet.
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