Eventually is Now

Oct 10, 2012 12:00

Years, years ago I decided I'd get a livejournal (eventually). I never thought eventually would extend so far, so much so that it's literally been years. I was introduced to LJ via fanfiction.net, where authors sometimes wrote that this or that fic was inspired by/written for somerandomcomm's challenge/prompt/etc. I thought to myself, it'd be a nice place to go for prompts and more fanfiction goodness (or badness, honestly).

I finally made an account after using lots of prompts from a certain comm on here and after I decided I didn't want to go the tumblr route, where it seems like fanfiction (at least for LoK) seems to be thriving. I didn't make a tumblr because it's spelled "tumblr". I like vowels in the right places.

I hope to write too much on LJ. Here are some accounts where my writing shared on here may be also found.

FFN: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2734316/

AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/users/Gabubu/pseuds/Gabubu

dA: http://oozu.deviantart.com/

ao3, deviantart, livejournal, fanfiction.net, writing, fanfiction, new

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