1. i am highly domestic, but i do not know if i want children
2. i need to be surrounded with beauty and life. animals, plants, water, sunlight....but...
3. i feel stressed around most people. i am severely misanthropic.
4. i need a great deal of physical comfort
5. my favorite time of day is when the sun has set, and the sky is a deep, rich blue. you can see the first stars coming out.
6. if all else fails, i am going to new zealand to raise sheep and goats to make yarn
7. max and i need to cuddle every morning for at least ten minutes. otherwise we will both have horrible days.
8. i think orchids are incredible
9. i believe people who don't read, and people who don't use their hands are parasites
10. the sweetest thing anyone could do for me is clean my bedroom. i clean every other living space first, and my room never gets any attention
11. i never feel more alive or more joyful than when i'm singing. but....
12. i only sing when i am completely alone. even then, i will only sing in the shower with the water running, or in my car with other music playing.
13. i am scared of very deep water, but the best dreams i have are the ones where i drown at the end.
14. when i was little, i wouldn't be able to go to sleep unless i saw the moon every night.
15. sense memory recall that will make me enraged in an instant? all i have to do is think about the stupid, ignorant shit ann coulter says.
16. I hate it when people will ruin things by being over sensitive to cultural stereotypes. I will judge you more for this than being an actual racist.
17. i started doubting the existence of god when i blew out a chanukkah candle when i was 8. i felt like an imposter at my bat mitzvah.
18. i don't care about the secular movement, i am just terrified of the south.
19. i HAAAAAATE cilantro. it tastes like soap! what's wrong with you people!
20. i am more in love with max than i was yesterday. i will love him more tomorrow. i don't think this could possibly ever change
21. my grandmother is the most incredible woman in the world
22. i hate going to the gym, but i do every day. i really wish there were a cheap yoga studio around here.
23. there are only two things i regret in my life: a relationship, and going to college in orlando. the relationship was far more damaging
24. i want to learn how to weave my own fabric more than anything
25. i make an attempt to strike up a conversation with at least one stranger a day. i am still fairly friendless in orlando.