you the truth and lies.

Dec 08, 2005 02:32

sometimes life makes you wonder. it really makes you stop and think for a bit about who the fuck you are. you can go all your life know who you are and never notice that you do. looking all the while you knew exactly and your looking to find it? no, your looking because who you are isnt who you want to be. thats lifes #1 dissapointment. no one seems to be who they want to be. thats why theres so many movies about people going out and makeing something of them them selfs. people falling in love. being growing up. no. that never actually happens. not unless your in films. and even then, thats just who you play. itd be horriedly depressing to be a movie star. you dont just dream about a perfect life you play it. you act it out. you lie to everyone and convince them that thats who you are. whats sadder is that everyone belives. everyone beleives in lies. the bible, honesty, children, parents, all the omnibenevolence in the world. its basis is lies. humans just suck it up like spilt beer on a table. its fucking pathetic. but the one chance you have, that moment that life punches you in the face, be you naked in the bath tub washing your hair, driveing a car, fucking hooker, smokeing pot with people who are cooler then you, that one chance no matter what, youll fuck it up. you have the total opertunity to realize exactly what youll be, who you are. the lie of all lies. because thats what realizeing who you are, is. the acceptance of who you are and the realization of what to say to make sure people never find out who you actually are.
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