(no subject)

Jun 18, 2012 12:18

One more ep!!!

Feels a bit rushed!

I feel sorry for Kagura poor boy. First he gets split in off from Amata cause he wanted to be with his mum but didn't get to be with her. (His mum doesn't even seem to give a rats ass about him too!) He was on the same planet as her, you think she was let the father know. "Oh hey the other half of our son (the bad one) is here too, can you go find him and take care of him he being traped in a cage! Thanks I'm going to sleep forever!"

He gets raised by that THING Mikage. Finds the love of his life and no one lets them be together even his own father! The girl he loves is some what in love with another person!

Get controlled to kill his parent which he doesn't even know they were his parents. His other part wants to kill him.

I don't know what Amata was sooking about having a hard/drepressing life. He got to live a normal life. Kagura on the other hand was rasied in a cage.

No he being controlled again :(

In the end he going to die or not get Mikono, maybe both. I don't mind him and Mikono dying together :'D at least they're together.... Which doesn't look like it's going happen.

Apollonius = Fudo.... What have you been doing these 24,000 year?

What on Earth?

aquarion evol

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