HBO's BTS video.

Nov 21, 2006 03:05

Either because I have serious insomnia issues and should have been sleeping ages ago or that this video has kept me up for ages because it is INCREDIBLE, I'm not sure, but here I am posting at three in the morning. Anyway, thanks VERY much to HPANA for providing HBO's four minute behind-the-scenes look at OotP.

Now, unlike the stuff we've seen earlier, this video pretty much shows the entire movie. It shows the DoM, Grawp, Thestrals, Umbridge teaching, Luna talking, the sextet and Order members fighting Death Eaters, the hearing, Sirius Black's sermons, several DA meetings, many forest scenes, and loads of interviews with the cast and crew in between. Fair warning, that's a lot of spoilers there.

Given that it's really late now, I'm going to save the downlaodable file and caps for tomorrow (in a new post), so you're going to have to settle for the youtube video for now, and enjoy (as my flist and I already have):

video post, 1106 - november 2006

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