Mm, it's common here, and you never know when it's going to happen. Sometimes it's pretty embarrassing, but that's just the way of it.
I'm feeling all right now that I'm awake. And I thought I saw something strange flash when I looked at my Dreamberry, but it could just be that I was still half asleep... then again, with this place, I'm not totally sure.
But so long as you're alright. [Because despite not dreaming it, he definitely felt something of it. Now focusing his attention on this 'purple light', he hadn't seen it in the dream.] Let's just say you did see it, any idea what it could mean?
Not really. If I didn't dream it... well, it is getting close to the full moon. Something weird usually happens around that time. It's not uncommon for weird things to happen as we dream, either... like finding things when we wake up or the Dreamberries' glowing different colours. I've never seen a light like that before, though.
Well, a bit. I know it's a bit pointless since I'll either see it or I won't and will have to wait either way, but it's interesting to think of what sorts of things people are able to create.
How are you feeling? Dreaming about water with how hot it's got, no surprise. [Wait.] Did you mention a purple light?
I'm feeling all right now that I'm awake. And I thought I saw something strange flash when I looked at my Dreamberry, but it could just be that I was still half asleep... then again, with this place, I'm not totally sure.
But so long as you're alright. [Because despite not dreaming it, he definitely felt something of it. Now focusing his attention on this 'purple light', he hadn't seen it in the dream.] Let's just say you did see it, any idea what it could mean?
Different colors? Did you ever find out what they referred to?
No, it hasn't happened to me very often. When it does, though, it just seems random, but I don't really pay much attention.
Well! Glad you're okay, that feeling while watching the dream almost felt real. Is it common to feel effects of it?
...I'm sorry about this one.
[might sound a little fascinated.] It's fantastic!
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