New Tattoo!

May 29, 2007 16:50

I got a new tattoo! It's only a lip tattoo but I'm still super pumped on it. I got my arm worked on too. I had been trying to make an appointment for about 2 months but I didn't have time when school started picking up. Rachel and I went to Alexandria to get it done by Justin at Speak Easy Tattoos. She's been wanting the outline of a peace dove on her foot for a really long time and when I saw her at the LHS graduation, I asked her if she wanted to come with me and get it done today after mine and she hesitantly said yes. I was super pumped. I went to school with this girl for 9 years I believe, and I knew she wasn't going to go get it on her own so I was glad that I could be the extra kick in the ass for her to get it done. As always, Justin's work was absolutely great, especially on her dove. I'm stoked on today even though it's pissing outside. I'm still stoked on my macbook too. I've been hanging out with Cory and Boonay a lot lately which has been really fun. I'm so glad the summer is here but I wish it would stop raining so I could swim more. I want it to rain a whole lot while my arm heals up and once it heals, it can go ahead and never rain for the rest of the summer so I can ride/swim/ride/swim. I can't wait for ATX/NOLA/TOUR(tewr amanda?)/maybe L.A./maybe N.Y.C. I'm not pumped that the insurance company hasn't fixed my car yet. I want to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3!
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