May 22, 2007 17:31
All I can say is AHHHH!!! I fucking hate phones and phone companies and insurance companies and electronic companies.....everything! They are all looking to rip you off in some way or another. As if it wasn't bad enough that this piece of shit I am typing on is breaking down. Half the time it doesn't type right and my sentences turn out missing a bunch of letters cuz the keys aren't going through. The screen decides whether or not its going to turn on today. I just think for $1000 it should be a little better.
So my phone got water damage last week and I had to file an insurance claim. The insurance company and verizon gave me a really hard time to get the claim through. So what do they send me as a new phone? A piece of shit, generic brand, "fake" chocolate. I'm sorry, but I didn't pay $200 the first time, have my phone insured, pay a monthly fee, a $50 deductable and activation fee, to get a crappy phone. Yeah, I know, sometimes they send you a refurbished phone, blah blah I DON"T FUCKING CARE!!! I paid good money for it, and the new phone is falling apart! It doesn't even have the brand logo on it. In fact, the battery is from a real chocolate phone and it doesn't fit on the phone they gave me the right way.
Another thing I'm sick of is people taking my shit. I am missing a countless amount of dvds. I know where one of them is and its the only one I have personally loaned to someone. The rest have been either taken by my brother or Adrian's brother or my brother's friends or someone I didn't tell they could take them. Sunday night I went to charge my ipod before bed and my cord was gone. I asked my brother if he had and he said, in these exact words, "I gave it to John because his doesn't work." When I asked him why he didn't ask me first his reply was, "I already took it from your room before so I could use it and I had it since then." WHAT THE FUCK??!! That only adds on to the many other times he has taken my Wii, clothes, or other things without asking. I'm buying a lock for my room and making a list of who has what from now on.
And this is the thing that really gets me. So I signed up for 2 summer classes and I ended up dropping them both because of different reasons. Nutrition- a science class right? The first assignment my old man teacher gave us was to create a website with your pictures on it and submit it to him. Fuck no! The other class was anthropology. Well there was hw due yesterday and guess what? Neither Macomb campus carries the books I need for the class and they don't know where I can find them. Get your shit together people. Really.
Ok now that I got that out of my system. We got a puppy Sunday. Her name is Stormy and she's also a brittany. She's so cute!! We already have about a million pictures of her.
This Saturday Adrian, Chris, and I are going to Cedar Point. Those are about the only things I'm happy about right now.