Lonely, I'm so lonely...

May 04, 2005 22:00

Ok, so I'm not really all that lonely, but do ever just super want to be kissed? Yeah, I'm kind of feeling that, maybe it's just me, and if it is I probably sound like a super sketch right now but oh well. I think the good part of never being kissed, is that you don't know what your missing out on, so you can still want it, but you don't know what it is so you can deal. The thing with me is, I could be a skank and go up to someone and just kiss them, but what fun would that be? The whole point of kissing is feeling the connection between to people who have strong feelings for eachother. That it why I don't understand the fact of kissing on a first date. I suppose it's just not a big deal to most people, but it is to me cause I'm a loser like that. Lol, ok, enough about my day dreams, I think I've seen a love movie recently where there was a good kiss, that could be why I just wrote a paragraph about it :-P
I'm in a very weird mood, super tired, and kinda obliviouse. I don't like it, and the thing is I can't even really sleep. Meh, probably just getting back into the school mode or something. But yeah, haven't made an entry in a while I don't think. Lets see... Monday after school I picked up Dave at the autobody cause his Regina needed to be inspected :-P and we went to dunks of course, then for a drive and turned around and went to his mom's offce cause they had to keep his car over night. I drove him home and we played pool, he totally beat me 3 times cause I'm usless :-P He gave me a cool 80s CD, it rocks! That night I forgot all about my rehearsal for Fools and Connor called me to ask if I was comming, so I booked it down there :-P Yesterday Connor and I went to Dunks and was supposed to meet Dave and Lauren there but Dave had lots of errands so Connor and I headed home. On my way home Dave called and we were going to go to dinner but Cudds was a whore and went home. :-P OH YEAH! Cudds is back!!! I missed her tons :-) Then that night I had a rehearsal again.
Whoo hoo for boring weird entries!
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