Feb 01, 2005 18:52
last kiss: urrrrr last week im thinking?
last cigarette: yesterday 8th period
last good cry: when i found out we might have to put my dog down
last library book checked out: what are these "books" you speak of?
last movie seen in a theatre: white noise (gheyyyyyyy)
last cuss word uttered: fuck
last beverage drank: sprite
last food consumed: chicken mcnuggets are the shit.
last phone call: i dont remember i hate using the phone
last tv show watched: urrr south park i think
last shoes worn: my ugg boots <3 im wearing them right now
last cd played: one of my amazing but random mixes
last item bought: the "golden ticket" for the endicott/mpb show
last thing downloaded: i dont remember
last annoyance: had to pee
last disappointment: detention 2 days in a row
last ice cream eaten: chunky monkey <3
last amused: mandie drawing me a cartoon in spanish
last time in love: 5 minutes ago
last time hugged: today
last shirt worn: ladies is pimps too!
last time dancing: white people dont dance.
1 MINUTE AGO: this thing
1 HOUR AGO: at either tutoring or my ear doctor finding out i need more fucking surgery
1 DAY AGO: i dont remember
1. What do you most like about your body? feet, eyes, i used to like my stomach before it starting getting pudgey
2. And least? thighs
3. How many fillings do you have? 2 or 3
4. Do you think you're good looking? i hear i am but i dont think i am
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? like daily
First job: i was a karate teacher
first screen name: rachellanahan (creative huh)
First funeral: my great aunts i think
First pet: jenny the rabbit
First piercing: lobes when i was like 3...
First Kiss: 8th grade
First kiss that mattered? 8th grade again
First True Love: my chinchila
First love: urr....