Feb 01, 2005 21:30
Actually, I DO know what to do, I just can't get myself to do it, and then stick to it. I can stick to everything else that I put my mind to doing, but this, I just can't. What am I afraid of?...
I might get a job at UPS. Starting: $8.50 - $9.50 an hour... saweet. Got an interview on Monday, so wish me luck!
Parents are going to see Dmitri this weekend without me! :o( I'm so upset about this. I haven't seen my brother for about 2 1/2 months now, and I can't even go see him 'cause I gotta go to college! WHAT THE FUCK?! It doesn't help that I wouldn't saw Flip too... my most favoritist dog in the world!
Doesn't it suck when you do about 6 hours of homework, and it really doesn't even seem like you've put a dent in the amount of homework you have to do? Yeah... that's what I did tonight.