if I was a rich girl...

Mar 27, 2005 19:23

see, i'd have all the money in the world
if i was a wealthy girl
no man could test me
impress me
my cash flow would never ever end...

pfffft. after Friday, it just did. hah. It's ok, because Apryl is so darn effin cute. *sigh* I just love little girls so much (and no, not in a perv-o way either. shut-up) especially my lil sisters. Watch, all my kids will be boys. ahhh. lol.

So. Getting a mole removed hurts. Wait, let me clarify: the novacaine shot stings like a mo-fo-ing bastard. I squeezed my own hand. lol. Didn't take that long either, which was nice. Played "the Easter bunny" for this guy at work (I "made-up" a really nice basket at Lindt for this girl he's dating- and I just happen to work with her at Limited. yeah, I guess you could say I set'em up.) Then worked 'til close. Got my stuff, then slept over at my madre's. Actually woke up at 8 on my own, then was like screw this, I can actually sleep late today! I then proceeded to do just that. Left with Apryl, and in her words: "we just shopped until we dropped, huh Aye-yi?" (aye-yi is what my sisters call me... don't ask =]) She was right. It was fun. Watched a movie with the little rugrats, then went home and fell asleep with my boy <3.

Worked 3- close yesterday. Busy as hell. eh, at least I wasn't bored. Brought in $2100 which is nice. Hopefully I'm one of the few names that got put in for a raise??? (doubt it... bitches) whatev.

Slept in late today- and I got an Easter basket. woooot. Actually, between Andy's mom, my mom, and my aunt, I got 3. (plus a rather lovely yellow egg with "alice" scrawled across it... thanks Meg. lol)

oh yes.

I'm at my aunt's house now- stuffed myself with Easter dinner. yum. AND a new episode of Desperate Housewives is on tonight. ohhhh yesssss. That show= love. (shut uppppp, my options for entertainment are quite limited, thankyouverymuch!)

gonna go pick through the rest of my candy. Hope you all had a nice Easter*

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