Touring isn't working out well... must keep busy

Sep 21, 2005 20:53

LJ Interests meme results

  1. bob:
    Bob is the best click five roadie evuh... if you didn't already know
  2. conan:
    one time, i tried to get into a filming of conan... it didn't work out
  3. fight club:
    best party evuh
  4. howie day:
    ghosts, room keys, hair, josh, vance
  5. laurie jenkins:
    awhhhh... no one likes laurie but me
  6. ninja turtles:
    hm... one time i got a ninja turtle costume for my birthday
  7. pool:
    i used to play lots of it in cassie's basement... and sometimes i go swimming in them and see david fowler
  8. red plastic cups:
    i drink roofies out of these
  9. taylor:
    mmmmmm... taylor. enough said...
  10. vance mcnabb:
    oh vancey poo... it's a love hate relationship b/w vance and I. I love him... he hates me... you know how that goes.

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