I remember being inside something more than you.

Nov 26, 2005 10:52

Love is way different in college than in highschool.. not just being in love but loving someone, too. just for who they are and how long you've known them, etc. In highschool love is about innocence and experiencing things together and thinking that nothing will ever change, you're invincible and no one can touch you. Eden told me the other day that she met someone randomly from St. Mary's and she mentioned my name and right away they said "ohhh tantrix. they were kind of exclusive.." more like..arrogant? naive? or maybe we just didn't give a shit about what anyone thought of us. i think the last one's it haha, but either way, when you're in highschool everything seems like it will last forever. you have a problem and you cry and you bitch but then two seconds later you bounce back and everything's okay again.

and then 2 years into college you get drunk and talk to your friends about how in 2 months one of them will be 20, and in 3 months you will be 20 and less than year from now everyone will be 20, and we wont be teenagers anymore. and we dont want to grow up. and i'm afraid that the older you get the more your innocence goes away and you can never love someone in quite the same way that you did before. or even anyone. all of your past relationships will change and all of your future relationships will be different. i hope that i can fall in love again and have innocence and naiveness and invincibility. up until now that's what it's all been about.
so, all in all, i don't want to grow up.
and it was really nice hanging out with lo, neenz, asho, marc, and rudy..despite however much drama there was last night.whatevv [EDIT: i had a kickass time guys and i missed all of you lotsss! (: ]

ohhh and lo and marc: THE WHOLE WORLD IS OUR NEVERLAND.bitchesss

i hope everyone's doing really well. and i can't believe i just wrote in my livejournal.ha
please comment so i don't feel like a dousche, thankss
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