Dec 23, 2004 15:08
hey guys! omg i love christmas time so much! it's finally break!! hehe. after school today i went to eliot's house with mag, kelly, ian, danny, emily, katie and katrina. we swapped gifts!! it was a lot of funn. i got a long sleeve polo, a sweatshirt and an awesome scarf and hat, i love my friends =) and i can't frikken wait to see what cody got me, omg i want to know so badly, but ian's metrosexual self (hehe i love you ian) told me i would love it, so i trust his judgement. ok, so if you don't go to my school (columbia) i am sure that you have heard about the whole anti holiday scandal shit going on or whatever it is. well, today on the announcments, they had a bunch of people dressed up, holding menorahs and christmas stuff, and it all said censored over it and was blurred out, and then when they went to say merry christmas CHS or happy channukah, it said happy winter break, and then you heard their voice for the CHS part. it was quite clever and humorous i must say. also, the band went through the halls playing christmas songs since their concert got cancelled, it was great. heh. well tomorrow is christmas eve! in the AM i am going over to tess' house with kel and mag and were going to exchange gifts avec tessy-poo and eat momma hebert's food (tess' mom lol). i am so exciteddd! hopefully tonight i am going to my baby's house =) i feel like i haven't seen him in awhile, even though i just hung out with him last night lol, i guess it's cause of the lifeguarding class and what not. oh yea, what happened last night was just frusturating, and i flipped.... and yea lol but w/e, im letting those bitches go. all i gotta say is T-MAUB REPRESENT! hehe oh man, i love it. alright y'all, im out. happy holidays too all! i hope everyone has a very merry christmas =)
it’s written in the wind that we’re two
carved out in the sand that we’re real
it’s lit up in the stars that we’re true
we’re destined in the sky to be glad