
Jan 29, 2011 03:25

Act On You?

Jennifer is a demon! Generally, she can recognize other demons or unnatural entities in a vague sort of way - she can tell they aren't edible, for example, and when it comes to demons she can recognize her own. So the only really relevant question is... are you a demon/similar creature? Things that would qualify include chakra demons, awakened beings, actual demons, that sort of thing.

If you aren't feel free to ignore this post.

If you are, let me know, and tell me what she'd be able to sense about you!

Act On Me!


Backtagging: Maybe. Generally, if you're replying to a network or voice mail comment that's more than a day or two old, I won't reply. This isn't definitive though - if it's a significant thread (important for bonding or plot, or just intense or deep) I will probably reply. I'm much more willing to backtag with logs, especially full prose logs. However, please note that taking days between comments (especially network or voice mail replies) is habitual for you, I will probably stop check out of our threads/be reluctant to go indepth with you. This doesn't mean I'll check out/stop replying if you're busy for a day or a week, etc, but if it's constant then I probably will.

Threadhopping: I love threadjacks. Do it. Please.

Fourthwalling: Technically this game doesn't allow it at all. Please don't.

Offensive subjects (elaborate): I'm pretty tough to offend. If you intend to do a graphic description of child abuse, necrophilia or bestiality... well, please don't. Otherwise, I probably don't care. Hell, Jennifer herself is a cannibal, so...


Hugging this character: She doesn't really care. Go for it!

Kissing this character: Sure! But careful - she might bite.

Flirting with this character: Flirt all you want - she'll probably flirt right back. Men, women, who cares.

Fighting with this character: I don't mind but Jennifer avoids combat when possible. If she must, then let it be known that she is superhuman... though not to an extraordinary extent - she is strong and fast and can levitate, but she won't be knocking down any buildings or anything. The biggest advantage she has is her regenerative abilities, which are very impressive, though less so when she's starving.

Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Work it out with me and I'm good with it.

Killing this character: As of right now, NO. Just because she died only a few months ago, and I'm not big on a character dying repeatedly. However, if it's for a cool enough plot, I'm down with it. Also, I'll get more open to it as time goes on, as the deaths wouldn't be so close together.

Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Please don't do it without running it by me. She has a lot of secrets.

Warnings: She eats people. :|
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