Apr 06, 2003 23:41
*"so what did anthony say about me not liking him anymore?"
"'ooooh, Jen doesnt like me anymore. She doesnt want anything to do with me. Im really drunk and feeling sorry for myself. rip apart my balls' you know, stuff like that."
*all i want is sleep
*and someone to pay off to do my homework for me
*ive talked to chris every hour, on the hour. <3
*yep. homeworks STILL not done. fuck.
*Live Journal Terrorist trying to justify the spelling of faget/faggot/fagget is SUPER fucking L A M E. and for the record, MY dictionary says Faggot = homosexual as well as mollys so uh, its two against one. and why dont you go get your handy little dictionary and look up L A M E as well. and maybe you should look up the word terrorist while your at it, seeing as you havent done any acts of violence or anything.....
*watching live on broadway w/ andy on friday? now i really have something to look foward to this week!!!! god that movie is amazing. 1 1/2 hours of sheer brilliance.