Mar 21, 2003 05:47
every time im at a party, that "live on broadway" thing is on. SOOOOOO funny!
yah its 5 50, im at emilys. chris just left, and here i am, trying to type my paper for western civ. haha awesome.
talked to tommy g today. he sounded so bitter..... god i feel so bad for him. we made plans for tonight (friday....fuck.) but shit. who knows. but it was awesome talking to him today. i miss him so much. we connect in such a fucked up way...... i dunno its weird. im in love, but in a reasonable way. like, id love him as a friend, or an acquaintence, or anything more or less. hes just the kind of guy i can fall in love with. or maybe im just REALLY fucking drunk right now. shit. oh christ. a spider just walked down the wall. im going to die. fuck fuck fuck. im such an acranaphobiac.but HEY the suns out, and perhaps ill call molly and take her to starbucks haha "can i take you to school? and starbucks" please, permit me to be in your presence. i love you. chris fucking rocks. i had a blast with him tonight. hes quite the charmer. but see, its great because ive adapted this whole "go with the flow" thing FINALLY, and yah. fuck it all. im just gonna do shit as it comes and whatever happens, happens. ah yes, the wonders of theories. GAH i need sleep. OH. yah hahahahaha to top it all, chris ruznik's brother is here. i fucking hang out w/ him every week, and i just found out hes his fucking brother. little shit. theyre nothing alike, except for their matching 68 red mustang convertibles.
molly, these apartments im at are PERFECT for us! its on the benedictine campus, but COD athletes can get rooms here for a stallar deal. we can get a 2 room.... but im assuming saras sticking w/ us unless her little bitchass goes away to school..... anyways 600/month for the 2 room, 545/month for the 4 room, BUT theres that possibility that the school will rent out that 4th room to anyone, so that could suck. but EVERYTHINGS included. so its an awesome fucking deal. but if i ever become ineligible or something stupid, than we can lose our rates, but HEY im at cod. (the emerson of cod, might i add) so nothing in the world could drop me below a 3.5. so uh, when do you want to move in?????
molly fucking answer your phone. were going to starbucks!!!!!!