(no subject)

Aug 04, 2011 04:01

i just realized i have neglected to mention that i was in NYC visiting the bf on Amy Winehouse's death, and since then i've returned to NC, studied like crazy to pass a technical phone interview for an Exchange position, land an in-person interview on Microsoft Way in Charlotte as well as another interview the following week for a gig supporting a P&L reporting application that i worked with at my previous job, and just returned from Vero Beach, FL where i hung out with my first cousin, Michael, and was able to see my roommate from rehab who was in town seeing her sister and nephew.

WHEW. talk about a run on sentence and the quickest summary of life's happenings i could muster.

right around the time i tried to post something substantial, lj got slammed with the DDoS attack and i simply gave up coming 'round these parts until the site was stable again.

so, hello. i'm back.

today i spent a good five hours shopping for new business casual clothes as well as a nice outfit to wear for this interview Friday at 10am. oh my goodness i am seriously TERRIFIED. the job isn't over my head in the sense that i am incapable of performing the work well; it's just that i am very rusty on a lot of the topics i'm being grilled on and i have had to teach myself some of it from scratch. i didn't ace the phone interview by any means but i did get enough questions right that i proved i have potential. they do provide a month or so of training once you're hired so they don't expect you to know EVERYTHING right off the bat, but the foundation needs to be there. and i'm afraid of getting my ass handed to me at the interview, blushing, trembling, unable to maintain my poise when i screw up.

i really do not think i would be so nervous had i not really want the job. it is tier 3 support for MS Exchange. that is Microsoft's email platform and the skills involved to troubleshoot the damn thing ain't nothin' to shake a stick at. you are RESPECTED in the industry having had a job like this. not to mention i would definitely maintain my NYC salary if not be offered something more, and my work week would be four days... four ten hour shifts and a three day weekend. um, YES PLEASE.

i'm trying not to get ahead of myself but, oh look at the time. can't sleep. anxiety ridden. this Thursday i will be doing nothing but study study study. i need prayers/meditations/whathaveyou.

and my birthday is this Saturday. 28 i will be. wow.
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