Jun 07, 2005 23:10
Hey Beautifuls.. :)
Whats been good witcha?..I always forget to update this biotch.. its been awhile or two.. Haha.. Well where did i leave off idk well i just start with this last weekend.. sound good? Ne wayz
Thursday:.. This is where my weekend pretty much started.. I went to school like ALWAYS *wink-wink* Well after school i went and got my bestfriend with Tasia.. YAY!.. Then we went to Christi's and was chillin over there for awhile.. Then we left for a min and picked up Stef.. Then..Me, Christi, Marquis, Mark, Tasia, Co-Co, and Stef were all playin curb ball and chillin n whatnot.. it was fun we were hanging out for awhile then we took Stef and Marquis home.. And then i went to bed.
Friday:.. The day of Supposably "Junior Skip Day".. Well only about 5 junior skipped.. and 1 freshman. How Hype is that shit?.. And how is the CO-Founder just not gonna skip?.. that some Shit right thurr.. Lol Ne Who.. I had fun.. @ about 11:30 Eric came over n we were chillin for a min.. jumpin on the trampoline n whatnot.. Then Ke-Ke, Domonique, Justin, and Sis came over and then Me, Ke-Ke, Justin n Sis went to Taco Bell and got somthin to eat and stuff.. then we went back got Eric and Domonique.. Then traveled to Justins house.. chilled over there for a minute or 2.. Then Bo-D n Bryan came over after 5th hour.. a lil late guys! .. Ne ways then we left.. And i went w/ Ke-Ke to the Dentist..took a lil naplet.. Then she took me to get my g'mas car.. and then i chilled over there for a minute.. then i left got Marquis.. Then me, Keyona, Domonique, Marquis, and Terry came over Christi's house and we were chillin.. i took a shower.. Then i had to drop off dinner and my mom wetnt crazy on me for no reason @ all !!Then ready n watnot then Me, Christi, Marquis, and Keyona went to the Carnival.. Then Marquis got into a fight with some white boy.. then we met Tasia and Sis.. Then we all went to Chandler Park.. It was fun.. Then later Me, Marquis, and Christi spent the night @ Tasia's.. after our 2 other plans didnt work :)..
Saturday:.. I had to work from 11-2.. not too bad but i still had to get up and whatnot.. then after i went home and ate some lunch.. Then i talked to my mom about her crazy self.. then i picked up Jerry from Steves house.. Then i went to Christi's house and i hung out over there for awhile.. Then later i got Marquis.. then i took a shower n stuff.. Got ready then i took Christi over Jamaines house.. then we went to Keyonas house.. n we were over there waiting for Her mom to get back from the store.. then finally we went to the carnival for a minute.. then we left Marquis and Me, Keyona, Sis, and Tasia went back to Chandler Park.. i had a lil Smirnoff to drink it was kinda nasty but i wanted to get drunk.. i was a lil buzzed.. it was saweet.. ne ways then later I dropped off Tasia and Sis.. (well accually keyona did) Then Me n Keyona came back to my house.. got some Mc. Donalds and went to bed.. T
Sunday:..I woke up @ like 9 took Keyona home.. then i had to get ready for work.. then the rest of the day i had to work from 11-8.. Fun Fun.. Then after work i went to dinner with my familia.. I was scared cuz there was suppose to be a tornado but it didnt come.. but we were in like the worst place ever.. there was all this metal stuff on the walls.. i was about to die that night.. Ne wayz after dinner i went home n started workin on my English Paper.. then i went to bed on the floor.. :(
Monday:.. Review Day @ School.. didnt really do nothin afterwards.. Suppose to drop off the Car. guy didnt make appointment. Gotta wait another week. Grandmas Mad. Me N Keyona went to her house, chilled, Tasia Came over. She left. Then we drove around lookin for somthin to do. Then got Justin Nash. Went got laundry. Went to my Grandmas. Then we went to Christis. Went home n typed Chem notes that i lost ne wayz.. ERRR! Then I went to sleeepy bed...
Tuesday.. 1st n 2nd Hour Finals were today.. got out @ 11:30 somthin like that.. Then Me n Christi went to follow Tasia home.. She got mad @ us so we got gas.. called us n then we told her we would return.. she said nvm.. Then we got Co Co in the mix somhow.. All went to Kohls @ Macomb Mall.. Got some goods.. Then we left went back to Christi's Chilled.. Took Corey home.. Then Got food.. Chilled some more.. took a nap.. Went to my grandmas.. returned the car.. anddddddddddddd then took a sweeet Bike Ride w/ Jerry.. Ended up @ Christi's Now here i am again.. Spending the night over this shizzy House.. Havent done this in awhile kinda lookin forward to it :)
This kinda sums up my weekend and the beginning of my week.. I'll Make shure to update quicker so that when i do they arent a mile long.. Cuz this gets kidna boring to type also.. Have a nice day..
CeeDizzle :)