Jan 26, 2004 08:06
there's gonna be some hearbreaks out there..w/my new NEWS...
Chip came down from Houston to move back to harlingen....he came over and hung out..we ate @ BWW
Mario and FElix also came over to hang out ..twas fun..kinda. they were being PUNKS!..Especially Felix...narking and making up lies to Lily about me doing this or that of something that was messed up when in fact I hadn't been messing w/the stuff! >:o
uhm....yah we got an alright high off of the bud...and then we chilled...i sketched some pics :]
hah I have no artistic talent!!
but i will try to scan them and post them. :]
overall it was fun..I even talked to Travis <33
*sigh* I missed him and I still do..Tomorrow I get to see him! I hope!! haha and i do them just like HIm too!
uhm...we bought groceries...some comments offended me earlier..and i feel like i've been discussed before about a situation and there were snide comments. ;[
i don tknow what else to say ..but i'm sleepy bye bye