eh NOt much has been going on for me...
Last Thursday...I went to my classes...I really like my Intro to Rehab class...its totally what i'm interested in, Helping and allocating services for those in need.
The people in my class seem very...down to earth?..I suppose that's a fitting word.
Later LAST THURSDAY evening....Lily and I went to her mom's house to eat Menudo and for dessert...Rich and sweet Carrot cake! yum!!
We came back to the apt to clean and rearrange furniture....and as soon as it turned Midnight n we had finished cleaning, Lily felt like drinking..heh...we asked around if anybody knew bootleggers..but no such luck..
I invited my friends Adri and Ferny over...and we picked them up from their house...its only a 3 minute drive to their house.
ahhh we christened the APT :]
and...we got to meet some of the Male neighbors ;]
and...we got the hookups w/JIB cause of Lily <3
so alls well that ends well..
lofl..That came out of nowhere... aunt Lupita picked me up at Noon and we went to Lyford...
I'm proud of 23 she's bought her own house and has 3 VERY NICE cars, 2 kids, and anything and everything she wants and needs.
WE did some errands in Harlingen...she needed to get new tires for her Along came G'pa and G'ma, me, Lupita, Nadine and Ashley :]
My Grandpa was making fun of me....cause I said i Liked some house that was built somewhere along the expressway on the right side..but I said.."around here"...and right afterwards he looked..and there were ALL FIELDS ;[
so From then on...Everywhere ...he was like.."I like that house that was built..its NICE"
grrr my Grandpa can be a PUNK sometimes <333
I thought Mat was working and I told them we could go to SHipley's to get free donuts...but he wasn't we had to pay for them. but family got a sweet treat. :]
we got to my apt in Harlingen but my mom had headed to BACK to lyford we
....Friday evening some other friends of Lucy had a little birthday bash for her..but I wasn't able to go ;[
Saturday..I slept most of the day...and I remember going out w/my brother and mom..but i forgot where.
Later Lucy called me and she been feeling off i went to rescue her...and we headed to IHOP to hang was fun!!..we saw ALOT Of people we knew from High school ...and we all exchanged numbers in attempts to "keep in touch"
I slept alot over the weekend....Sunday I took my brother out to see TIMELINE at the dollar movies...He liked it..he compared it to "back to the future" and he likes those kinds of movies :]
Didn't do anything else..I basically bummed around...
Lately....nothing much has been really happening...kinda boring..but i'm not bored of it yet.
I'm waiting to get a much as the walking is SURE doing me good....I still want a car :[
Why is it that here in the valley...if people see you walking..they look at you...its something of a nature means of commuting here by Valleyites...we dont even really have that swell means of Public transportations down here...but I mean...
If most people see a person walking somewhere to get to a certain destination...Its like..they feel bad for you..or think negatively about it...
I think its stupid..ESPECIALLY for Edinburg...since its a "college town" and all....
Stupid Valley!
oh and man..Lily's computer SUCKS!!!
I dont really like using it..but yet i still do...I cleaned her computer...and put an anti virus in it..and she's had Hackers in her computer too....eek!
yah i'm just babbling now...
After class yesterday...I was in the "intellect mode"...and had an urge to read some good books..I checked out, in my opinion, some really good books and I can't wait to read them ....
The books are:
1. The Deaf Way II Anthology: A literary Collection by Deaf and Hard of hearing writers By: Tonya M. StremLau, Editor
2. The Fall, A Matter of Guilt By: Brian Fitch
3. They Eye of the Storm By: V.C. Andrews
4. They Heart of a Woman By: Maya Angelou
5. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest By: Ken Kesey
6. Give The Pig a chance & Other stories By: David Rice (a valley native)
7. The Perks of Being a Wallflower By: Chbosky (just finished reading it and i LOVED IT)
8. Darker
9. The Story of Our Lives
10. Reasons For Moving
The last 3 are books of Poems by Mark Strand :]
SO i felt merrily content w/these books in my backpack...eager to read them :]
last night..I was bored online...and I saw my GREAT BUDDY FELIX online!!!!!
awwwww the MEMORIES!!! *tear*
He came over to visit...we smoked and hung out...I had forgotten alot of his OLD habits ...hah. we Had fun spending time together and talking and catching up on old times and the "latest gossip"
Later went to get something to eat and see Lily @ JIB..she gave us her Employee discount <33 wooHoO!
we hung out a bit more..and he left back home cause he lied to his parents and told them he was going to HARLINGEN....which is way closer to his home...compared to EDINBURG...
he lives......if driving..80 mph.....35 minutes away from Edinbug..
was fun!
We're gonna go to Fridas on Friday....and he's probably going to crash out here at the apt!
Just finished talking to Mat on Im's...*sigh*...he stopped going to school...again =\
ahhh in HS..he was such a NERD and now..he's just a dreamer/bum
I hope everything works out for him *crosses fingers*
I wear black on the outside 'cuase black is how i feel in the inside
that's enough of my babbling....