another quiz

Jun 16, 2005 12:18

Have you ever...
01. Fallen for your best friend? yeah
02. Made out with JUST a friend? na
03. Been rejected? yep
04. Been in love? haha nooo
05. Been in lust? yes
06. Used someone? for homework not anything else
07. Been used? umm yah for like homework i guess
08. Cheated on someone? never
09. Been cheated on? no
10. Been kissed? yess
11. Done something you regret? umm yahh! who hasnt

Who was the last person...
12. You touched? alysha
14. You hugged? shannon
15. You instant messaged? monica
16. You kissed? my doggg haha on the head of course.
17. You had sex with? nope not yet
18. You yelled at? katie
19. You laughed with? my mom
20. You had a crush on? kyle key word HAD
21. Who broke your heart? i dont think neone

Current Clothes: soffees and a shirt
Current Mood: hungry i just got home from swim
Current Music: somebody--bonnie mckee
Current Taste: clorine
Current Hair: wet in ponytail
Current Annoyance: my hunger
Current Smell: clornie
Current Thing: sayy whatt?
Current Desktop Picture: beach
Current Favorite Group: something corporate
Current Book: sister hood of the traveling pants! its basicall the only book ive read annnnd they make a movie out it!! haha i wanna see it
Current DVD In Player: blue crush
Current Refreshment: nothing
Current Worry: my ear
Current Crush: youuu!

Are you?
Hard working: yes
Organized: lol def
Healthy: everything cept my ears :o/
Shy: i am when i first meet people but that doesnt last long .. hopfully
Difficult: i can be
Attractive: you tell me?
Bored Easily: noo im usually easily ammussed
Thirsty: a weee bit
Responsible: yes
Sad: nooo
Happy: umm im not like jumping up and down,... im more content at the moment :o)))
Trusting: yeah
Original: yeah
Different: people say i am...
Unique: i like to think that
Lonely: nahhhh
Talkative: of course not!... lol heck yesss

On Friends...
Friend(s) you have the most fun with? bethany, kaite, EMily and Kat Love ,, haha, and of course my cTr ppl!
Friend(s) you've dreamt about? cTr ppl. random ppl... and some of the ppl above
Friend(s) your tell some of your secrets to? bethany and katie
Best Friend(s): all of them above!!!

On Dating...
Long or short hair? ummm not too long. but other then uhh what.ever
Dark or blond hair? dont matter
Tall or short? i prefer taller. i fell protected hehe
Dark or Light eyes? dont matter

On preferences...
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? ooo bothhh!
McDonalds or Burger King? neither (tryin to cut the fast food)
Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? say wht?? umm friend.. lover. both would be good
Sweet or sour? sweet
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? these are hard questions...umm right now dr.pepper
Sappy/action/comedy/horror? comedy
Cats or dogs? dogs
Ocean or Pool? ocean
Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? nacho cheese
Mud or Jell-O wrestling? jello would me soo much for fun! haha but either is fun!! muds easy to get,
With or without ice-cubes? with.. un poco
Shine or rain? shine!..but playin in the rain just boooosts my endorfins!
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? fall
Vanilla or Chocolate? chocolate
Snowboarding or skiing? i dont know..
Cake Or Cookies? uhh neither plz.
Gloves or mittens? i dont know the differnce>?
Eyes open or closed? open for walking??
Bunk-bed or waterbed? haha sweeeet .. waterbed!
Chewing gum or hard candy? gumm
Motor boat or sailboat? motor!
Lights on or off? now i have to ask what... in my room off. but then again i alway have a lamp on sooo what now!? hah

What's your favorite:
Number? 2.5
Holiday? christmas, all my distant family is there
Radio station? 92.9 104.1 94.5 99.1 106.9 96.5 i listen to them all equally
Place? in my house?? my room
Scent? raulf (sp) lauren cool
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