Jan 09, 2005 13:18
There are a couple things I want to change to make things a little more convienant. I'm not going to keep updating the accepted member list because I don't have enough time and I want to focus the time I have on promoting and cool things for the community as apposed to an accepted member list.
And from now I'm only going to post people who need votes. Then you can see who obviously already got accepted or rejected and if you wanna know more you can look at the apps themselves.
*contest* I'm looking for a new backround for the community and if you want post any ideas you have behind and lj cut with a post subject "new look" and I'll check them out and pick my favorite which will be our new backround to mix things up a bit.
The new theme starting now and ending January 21st is skirts. Post pictures of your favorite skirts or skirts you would really like. Have fun!