oh dear god save me from myself

Apr 11, 2006 11:26

It is not nice to use people. We all know that but we do it anyway. It is funny when we lie and use people only to find out they were doing it to us too. It is also funny when you don't realize that you are doing it. Don't you just feel like an ass? I do enjoy this feeling of jealousy. I feel it quite often. I have always felt it. I am pretty sure it is because I am an insecure kid. I am jealous of people who are just UGH and I should not be but they have things that I want. It is not even material things. That is the worst thing of it all. I do not want material things. If I wanted them I could go out and buy them. I have been in the worst mood lately and honestly I really wish I could shake it. I sort of know why I am in this funk, but there are other reasons I just do not know. It is killing me. I should...not be like this anymore.
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