(no subject)

Dec 18, 2004 13:15

my stupid fallible mute fingers type out meaningless vowels and hissing consants that fail to paint word pictures of any concequence, and leave me empty like shot glasses turned upside down on the bar, and everyones saying different things to me different things to me, under this chandilier of stars and atmosphere, see people floating spinning twirling and graceful nubile calloused Dancers' feet fly me faster to the moon , WORDS WORDS WORDS, stabbing me lifting me snatching me away drowning me resurrecting me, boats airplanes tender leaves of newborn grass shooting up strong, resiliant, from underneath the chilly snowscovered windswept ground, I could have one of these things first, could be one of these things later, heart pulsating beating aginst my chest straining to escape, speaking in pentameter, dimeter, mallable words run away from my cluching scared small cold hands, nonsense I create, I live, but why that WORD? if you have sense what then? Big brother watching watching watching my lungs pullling in air pushing out lies, bile rising spewing WORDS questions climbing ladders munchikins yell to me "come down now come down " jump jump jump fly I can do this I can fly, invisible, contents of a dead mans pocket,whats important to you? papers cars lovers, answers skipping smiling slyly as they back away, look inside those depths of hell, those WORDS, ask yourself like I do, like she did, third person detached and cold, WORDS smothering me cutiing me harrasing me stalking me leaving me...WORDS and now my loved special immortal digits type out Holy vowels and whispering consants that capture my audience, and create new worlds, full and smelling of sugar cookies and contentment

do you belive in what you see?
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