Kev's B-day!

Oct 04, 2005 07:23

Omigosh! I just remembered that yesterday was Kevin Richardson's birthday!!! How could I?! *boks head on desk* What type of fan does that make me? T_T And I was telling my brother just yesterday how Viggo Mortensen's birthday was coming up!

Anywho, just 3 more days! 3 more days until I go home! Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait! I'm not sure if I'm gonna go to the fair with the girls because Caroline doesn't like those sort of things, but we might go see Corpse Bride and I could meet all their new friends when I go. But I have to work this out with them and my dad because I'm only gonna be there for 4 days and there's absolutely so much to do! Well, that I want to do at least. For sure I have to go birthday shopping, spend a day with my friends, and surfing. Those are musts! I'm getting really excited now! ^-^
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