Apr 10, 2008 07:37
Miss Hannah Lynn Olivia Nash!
Born April 6th at 1:17pm.... 8 lbs 3.6 ounces... 20 inches long...
And now for the birth story.... ;)
I will post some other pics later on .....
So did no labour at home... As you all know (or many know)my waters broke on Sat am.... unfortunately that led to nothing but concerns for labor never kicked in and infection became a concern ..... Also we didnt have the full 24hrs for we did not have the GBS swab done (due to being under informed about how making that chioice could effect us and the babe)...
Soooo as of 3am on Sunday we arrived at the hospital to get our antibiotics ... no luck in any tricks to get labour started consistantly..... They did the first round of antibiotics and then hooked me to some oxytosin as well (due to my waters being broken too long) in hope to cause contractions and dialation.... for at that point I was still sitting at 2cm, babe and all else waitng and ready..... babe not in stress at all
So after A LOT of oxytosin.... and minimal and irregular responses, the midwife says to me I may need to prepare myself for the fact that we may need to use other interventions.... basically hinting that it may lead to c-section for i was not dialating..... still at 2cm..... When contractions are happening they are brutal.. no lead into or out of them.. just hard adn suddenly there adn then not.... So I say after some time, that I would rather have epideral and be awake for a c-section than have things turn quickly for babe and have an emerg-section..... shortly after saying this (for of course the dr who does the epidural was otherwise occupied for some time.. so it seemed).... then I started to get more consistant contractions.. still ones that had no lead up or lead out.. just "hello here I am am, intense and crazy".. I had no time for my body to develope endorphines to manage them... so i was suddenly animalistic (or as Jim says, i was hulking out).... and the contactions with in minutes (so i am told) began to come one on top of the other.... My midwife checks my cervix and I am still only 2cm.... not dialating.. and this wasnt allowing Hannah to get in the right spot to come down and aid the process.... SO as i am contracting she encourages the cervix to open and soften (apparently part of the cirvical ring was ridgid - possibly due to scaring from the D&C)...... and SURPRISE this is working.... SO here we are major crazy labour pains with a midwife who is manually making me dialate with each contraction (she said litterally with each contraction I would dialate and stay as such if she encouraged the cerivx to open and go over Hannah's head.... so with each contraction she has me baring down and she is stretching the cervix.. 3 or so contractions the dr arrives to do epidural and my midwife says he is not needed for I am a full 10cm... and I suddenly get the ring of fire feeling, and she gently coaches me through the last push and rest, to glide Hannah out.. and I do mean glide.... NO TEARING!!!!.... Hannah arrives after many hours of nothing and 45 mins of crazy labour intensness.... no epidural.. no c-section as feared.... and a very healthy and beautiful babe.... a much relieved mom to be done.... and a dad who never has, and probably never will see that side of me again.. lol
So I truly believe that things played as they did for a reason... I dont think the crazy midwife I was supposed to have would have led me to the closest experience I could have had to a home birth considering the circumstances... Instead I had my backup midwife and one I didnt know (who was the one who had the magic hands), adn got through it all feeling once again blessed with one amazing (and one I never want to repeat again) birth experience
So with Maya's birth I left feeling empowered in the end.. this time I feel strong knowing I fought through the worst of labour pain and a crazy unpredictable labour.... didnt even have time to call in our other supports like our doula
Now that Hannah is home we are enjoying some great family time... resting, chilling... Jim has been an awsome support with both girls and getting me time to rest and recoop as much as we can allow.... Babe has some jaundice, but is of no concern at this point... she eats and sleeps well.... a well tempered babe.... truely we are once again blessed... Maya is adjusting.. you can see she is having a hard time with Mom needing to be shared so much andit has been emotional for her... she also has been testing daddy a lot behaviourally.. npthing major, just a change from what all are used to.. for Mom is usually the one to man the fort so to say for most of the time (due to daddy being at work)...
Hope all are well... !!!!