Any minute now, my mom will insist I start wearing a helmet at all times.

Jan 29, 2006 15:08

Happy Year of the Dog!
Sitting in the library waiting for the Boge to call.
So last night Davis and I were doing our usual Satuday night at Walmart and we were goofing around in the toy section. I went to kick a miniature soccer ball at him and I slipped and fell rather hard on my left butt cheek, my left wrist and the right side of my head. After Davis stopped laughing he came over and checked me for lumps and made sure I wasn't bleeding (from my head not my rear). Then we went about our shopping but I was very spacey (well, more spacey than I usually am, and not the cool 'oh you're turning into Kevin Spacey' trick either) and I started to feel a bit nauseous. So we went home and I spent the rest of the evening slowly becoming less fuzzy and with an ice pack on my head. Today I'm good and I can't tell if the headache I had a little earlier was from sinuses or the head trauma. Although I don't have it anymore because I'm self-adviling. I can't feel a distinctive lump though and mostly I'm just glad it didn't require stitches or coma time, because it was bad enough my mom calling and telling her I fell down and almost seriously hurt myself, but it would have been way worse to tell that I did it while nutting around in the toy aisle.
So I'm sitting here in the public library again, and there are those wanker little kids pounding on the keyboard and arguing about the point systems in "Runescapes" while their little online trolls run around and stuff. Normally I think I'm quite tolerant and accepting of the nerd masses and the weird online games they play but these kids are seriously something to behold and I'm just glad that when my friends enjoy themselves playing games like this and that I don't have to witness it.
I'm about to be introduced to D.P. Dough in a little while. Because I could've picked up a snack to have last night and tomorrow at Walmart but I wasn't feeling particularly hungry (head trauma). Then later on tonight I'm making mashed potatoes and chicken noodle in the crock pot.
In other news of note:
Still Jobless (anyone know anything I could do with my low skill level and lack of experience?)
Still Batman the Animated Series Volume Four-less thanks to the schmos at Lane who take two months and several weeks to get things in.
Still full of allergies and sinuses thanks to the nice but ever creepy weather. I just don't expect sixty degree weather in January and the longer it lasts the longer I fear karmic weather retribution. Or a disgustingly hot summer. Ick.
Need a new tv series to find from the library to get interested in old favorites that still manage to be fun to watch multiple times need a break. So anything but Alias, West Wing, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Sex and the City, CSI. We tried getting into 24 but it's uber-depressing if you watch more than one at a time. Also the library doesn't carry Mythbusters. Wankers.
Well, hunger is overtaking me and I think Dr. Boge will just have to pick up her own overheards.
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