Apr 13, 2005 16:10
well...sorry i havn't written in a while...even tho no1's prolly reading these....oh welll...Teusday((or however u spell it))didn't do nething cept work on my room....i finished putting my desk together YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!! so that's pretty tight..finished my walls too...now i just gotta put my room back together....:-\ and asemble a tv stand....oh well..hoping that'll be fun!....today was alright....i got a new bag of suckers!....neone want one?.....50 cents...or 2 for a dollar...obviously...lol...feel good bout the English test today...helped Alicia out a lil bit ;-) lol what are friends for?:-D....lunch was okay....feel good bout my math test too...think i aced it...prolly not tho...helped Grace out a lil bit on that one too..lol...:-D...then after school on our way to dropping Em off we past Drew's house((Bator pointed it out))and he was pulling in .... lol ... :-D ... i couldn't stop smiling lol .. im not a stalker.. i promise lol Bator was making fun of me for it..oh well..then we went to Bill's and dropped Bator off and now im home...well that's it for now i guess....i kno... kinda short....but oh well
TtYl LyL
<3 AlWaYs MoNiQuE