Fic repost: Bits and Bytes Chapter 1

Jan 19, 2012 23:50

Re-posting my fan-fiction from for my own sanity, and to allow linking and ease of commenting and editing.

Bits and bytes - Rated: T -  Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Published: 1-23-11 - Last Updated: 8-12-11 - Main Characters: Hound, Meg (oc), Ellie (oc) - Status = Incomplete
Summery: What was only supposed to be a couple of oneshots, has gotten away from me and turned into a fic. Two military women from another dimension plus Transformers equals ? Warnings: human OC centered. Rating upped to T for future language. Title may change
AN: My first fanfic. Features two OC's. Contains AU Stargate Xover. A work in progress. Next update: Hopefully soon. It's mostly written, just need to add a couple more sections.

Authors note, Disclaimer and OC info.

Warning: this is mostly human OC centred. May contain bad language and violence later....

Disclamer: I don't own Transformers, Stargate (or any other shows, comics, games, etc,) that might end up mixed in, this is a work of fiction done solely for my own amusement and no money is being made from it.

As for the OC's in this, below is a very rough physical description of the two that (for the moment) make the most appearances.

Name: Mellie Cassidy

Nickname: Ellie, Ell

Gender: Female

Age: 35


Hair: (Natural color: blond) Currently peppermint pink, shoulder length in high ponytail

Eyes: Light blue

Skin: Fair, lightly tanned

Height: 5'8”

Name: Megan Richards

Nickname: Megs, Meg

Gender: Female

Age: 36


Hair: Dark brown with purple streaks, in a pixie style cut

Eyes: Right eye brown, Left eye Hazel

Skin: Sun bronzed, slight freckling

Height: 6'


........ and now... on to the insanity.....


Chapter 1 - Arrival and first contact

There is a bright flash of light, and two women in military style camouflage slowly pick themselves up off the forest floor. Groaning and struggling to get up, the shorter of the two shrugs the large bag off her back and looks over towards the other woman with dark brown hair with purple streaks.

“Meg.... Why does this kind of crap always seem to happen to us..... That hurt.... You ok?”
Meg adjusts her shoulder strap and then checks her leg, looking a little pained.

“...... Legs a little sore... must have hit it on something, I should be fine....” She looks around from her seated position on the forest floor and frowns slightly, before accepting a hand up from the pink haired woman. “Any idea where we are Ellie?”

Ellie sighs as she looks around, then starts to dig in the bag she dumped on the ground.
“Sorry Meg....... Not a clue... I would say this was Jackie's fault... but she was off base... Right?”

“Think so..... Ellie.... Remind me again why I let you talk me into joining the R&D?”
She gives Meg a sheepish look “....... Because it was safer than battling the Replicators on the front lines?.....”

Meg rolls her eyes “And yet we still end up fighting Replicators, dealing with explosions, runaway lab experiments, idiot politicians, alternate dimensions, alien inv...”
Ellie cuts her off “Yeah, Yeah, you win.... At least this time it looks like we ended up on a quiet planet...”

Shaking her head Meg can't help but sigh “.......... Ellie.... Rule number 2..... Rule 2.”
“....... Damn it.....” Ellie groans and rubs her temples lightly. “...Freaking Murphy's law....”


...Three and a half hours later...


The pair of women are walking side by side and rapidly shooting observations back and forth.

“Well.... looks like contacting the base is out....” Ellie sighs.

“.... There aren’t any other members of our squad within at least 25 miles....” Meg adds.

“.... The plants and animal life in the area seems to indicate that we are on earth....”

“ I've seen two types of birds that have been extinct on Earth for at least 150 years....”

Finally coming to a clearing in the forest, Ellie spots what looks like fresh tire tracks on the ground.

“....Tire tracks.... fresh too....” She mutters.

“... Nature preserve maybe?” Meg suggests

They hear a loud rumbling noise and the crashing of trees being broken as well as the sound of metal on metal and weapons fire.

“..... What in the hell is that?!”

They both draw rather large guns from the sides of their bags, and start backing away quickly from the area that's not far from them, moments before two huge robots fighting with each other come crashing out of the trees. Ellie notes to herself that they seem to resemble vehicles. One a green army jeep, the other a black and purple jet.

“I think.....”

“..... That we're in deep shit....?”


“Get the hell out of here before they notice us?”

“.... On the double.”

Ellie and Meg's quick retreat is stopped short however, when the purple mech that was fighting appears in front of them with a powered up weapon pointed at them.

“Back off Autobot. Unless you want me to blast the squishies.”

They note that it's paying far more attention to the other mech than to them, big mistake.

“Leave them alone Skywarp.” The green mech warned, but looked hesitant to do anything that might get the two women hurt.

Meg and Ellie seem to have a completely silent conversation in glances, head tilts, shoulder shrugs and soundless mouth movements.

'Shall we see if the ammo department is as smart as they believe they are?'

Meg pauses '23 Beta?' Ellie shakes her head no, and shrugs her shoulder in the green mech's direction '15 Zeta?' Arching a brow in question and giving a quick nod, Meg can't help but ask 'Why?'

Ellie glances over her shoulder 'It hasn't moved closer since we've been threatened. On three?'

They flip the safety off their guns and Meg starts counting out three with her fingers.

Go to Chapter 2

hound, fic:bits and bytes, oc:meg, tf fic, incomplete, rated t, fic repost, oc:ellie

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