Nov 08, 2001 02:11
Well its late of course and I am still awake but I got a few things done today. Not everything and wish that I started sooner on some chores that needed to be finish but of course my lazy ass waited till 12:00 to do hw and cleaning. Got some hw done though. A lil disappointed that i didnt finish it all and i have to wake up early to go to school so that it will be finished. I have found that my motivation in school and the goals i have set for myself are just rotting away. I have made no effort towards these goals and the motivation that I had for school, grades and even getting a job have just vanished. I used to get really really upset that I didnt pass a class..well now I find myself not caring at all. I really need to get my shit together and start achieving some of these goals that I had set for myself because its getting close to where it will be too late to turn around and I am already regretting choices that I made the past couple of years.
Other then day was alright. Celeste, Marc, Alyssa, and Tara all came over and hung out for awhile but I passed out on them so they ended up leaving sometime, not exactly sure when? Dad comes home tomorrow! Seemed like he just left yesterday but that is ok, I need to talk to him about getting cable modem in here. I am sick of this slooooooooow connection and not being about to download anything on here. Well anyway....1:50...bed time. Write back later, bye journal.