Self-Esteem Test

Jan 30, 2007 16:00

Oh dear.

1. [X] I generally feel anxious in new social situations where I may not know what is expected of me.
2. [X] I find it difficult to hear criticism about myself.
3. [X] I fear being made to look like a fool.
4. [ ] I tend to magnify my mistakes and minimize my successes.
5. [X] I am very critical of myself and others.
6. [X] I have periods in which I feel devastated and/or depressed.
7. [X] I am anxious and fearful much of the time.
8. [X] When someone mistreats me I think that I must have done something to deserve it.
9. [X] I have difficulty knowing who to trust and when to trust.
10. [X] I often feel like I din't know the right thing to do or say.
11. [X] I am very concerned about my appearance.
12. [X] I am easily embarrassed.
13. [X] I think others are very focused on - and critical of - what I say and do.
14. [X] I fear making a mistake which others might see.
15. [X] I often feel depressed about things I've said and done, or things I failed to say or do.
16. [X] I have avoided making changes in my life because I was fearful of making a mistake or failing.
17. [X] I often get defensive and strike back when I perceive I am being criticized.
18. [X] I have not accomplished what I am capable of due to fear and avoidance.
19. [X] I tend to let fear and anxiety control many of my decisions.
20. [X] I tend to think negatively much of the time.
21. [ ] I have found it difficult to perform adequately or without embarrassment when involved in sex.
22. [X] I'm one of the following: The person who reveals too much personal information about myself or the person who seldom reveals personal information.
23. [X] I often get so anxious that I don't know what to say.
24. [X] I often procrastinate.
25. [X] I try to avoid conflict and confrontation.
26. [X] I've been told I'm too sensitive.
27. [X] I felt inferior or inadequate as a child.
28. [X] I tend to think that I have higher standards than others.
29. [ ] I often feel like I don't know what is expected of me.
30. [X] I often compare myself to others.
31. [X] I frequently think negative thoughts about myself and others.
32. [X] I often feel that others mistreat me and or take advantage of me.
33. [X] At night, I frequently review my day, analyzing what I said and did or what others said and did to me that day.
34. [ ] I often make decisions on the basis of what would please others rather than on what I want or without even considering what I want.
35. [X] I often think that others don't respect me.
36. [X] I often refrain from sharing my opinions, my ideas, and my feelings in groups.
37. [X] I sometimes lie when I feel that the truth would result in criticism or rejection.
38. [X] I'm fearful that I will say or do something that will make me look stupid or incompetent.
39. [X] I do not set goals for the future.
40. [X] I am easily discouraged.
41. [ ] I am not aware of my feelings.
42. [X] I grew up in a dysfunctional home.
43. [ ] I think life is harder for me than for most other people.
44. [X] I often avoid situations where I think I will be uncomfortable.
45. [ ] I tend to be a perfectionist, needing to look perfect and to do things perfectly.
46. [X] I feel too embarrassed to eat out alone or to attend movies and other activities by myself.
47. [X] I often find myself angry or hurt by the behavior and words of others.
48. [X] At times I get so anxious or upset that I experience most of the following: heart racing or pounding, sweating; tearfulness; blushing; difficulty swallowing or lump in my throat; shaking; poor concentration; dizziness; nausea or diarrhea; butterflies. (I explode into butterflies when I get anxious. It makes people like me more. XP)
49. [X] I am very fearful of criticism, disapproval, or rejection.
50. [X] I rely on the opinion of others to make decisions.

My score: 43

If you checked:
00-04 statements... You have fairly good self-esteem
05-10 statements... You have mild low self-esteem
11-18 statements... You have moderately low self-esteem
19-50 statements... You have severely low self-esteem

I pretty much got an A on this test... The only test I can pass, seeing as how I got an F in the Life test. ;____;
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