speech is overrated.

Oct 14, 2004 00:34

tonight i was talking about andrew with 0100101101.

i forgot to save exactly what i said but the words just flowed from my fingertips like rain. i'm sure they would come just as fluid if i attempted to type them again. i was telling him that i need to create a new language, one that would allow for feeling to not be lost in translation. i told him i would think of a word for when you look into someone's eyes and can embrace their entire presence. you get chills, but they're more than just chills; it's like their soul is flowing into your's and there's this electricity like what you feel when you step outside your door right before it snows. or when you can watch that person sleep for hours, just because. because you admire everything they are. how perfect their eyelashes are, or how cute their nose is. or how they flinch a little and then smile and you know they're dreaming about something beautiful. and all you can do is giggle like a kid at them and feel your heart about to burst. and you just want to cry and drop to your knees and thank whoever created such an amazing person. but all you can do is stare. and hope they don't wake up because it would be awkward to wake up to someone staring at you. but a little part of you wants them to wake up, so when they open their eyes and see you watching, maybe they'll know that you care just a little more than before. maybe it would help convey to them just how you feel. that you feel you could put your entire being in their hands, and everything would be alright. because that person is your entire being. and you are their's. and you both have discovered what life is. you've also discovered that there are no words. only that electricity, only that feeling, and that feeling is indescribable.
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