Dec 09, 2005 18:10

the dreaded TAG game....

10 years ago I was...:
- still living in Alameda
- my favorite soda was Orange (quite nasty now)
- i was best friends with my brother
- the fastest kid in my class (races happened daily..lol..)
- the shortest kid in my class (wait...i still am...)

5 years ago I was...:
- getting my ears pierced
- beginning high school..or was it JH.. ohhh yeah, that was the shit. psshh
- being ditched by the old friends, forced to make new ones.
- an innocent little girl who knew nothing about anything.
- enjoying life

1 year ago I was...:

- remembering my cousin's death in a car accident...all depressed and junk.
- thinking this was my last time in high school for christmas. oh no, no more candy-cane o'grams! lol..lame.
- wishing people would stick around in my life and not leave me.
- making candy for about 50 people
- wishing for a car and my license

Yesterday I...:

- was really sick and slept for 17 hours..from 5:30pm the previous day till 10:30am yesterday.
- went to work...booo
- got made fun of at work by Jake and Travis for my gullibility. that happens often actually
- went to Target and Costco. got some christmas presents and flamin hot cheetos
- watched 'Fever Pitch'

5 snacks I enjoy:

- popcorn
- cheez.its
- flamin hot cheetos
- chex mix
- shakes

5 songs I know all the words to:

- Don't Stop Believing : Journey
- Boulevard of Broken Dreams : Green Day
- You and Me : Lifehouse
- Nobody's Home : Avril Lavigne
- We Will Become Silhouttes : Postal Service

5 things I would do with 100 million dollars:

- Travel all over the world
- Set up a way to meet Johnny Depp, Tom Hanks, or Harrison Ford
- Get all the equipment and people needed to make my own record
- Get my brother a car
- Pay off all debts around this place

5 places I would run away to:

- New York
- Egypt
- anywhere in Europe
- Africa
- Seattle

5 things I would never wear:

- a rain jacket
- leopard print of any sort
- any florescent clothing
- harley davidson leather jacket..my brother tried me to take one he found...psh! hell no
- bah...cant think of anything else....

5 favorite TV shows:

- Friends
- Everybody Loves Raymond
- Boy Meets World
- Gilmour Girls
- That 70s Show

5 bad habits:

- being too sarcastic
- zoning out when someone is talking to me.
- going in a daze while driving..start drifting between lanes..its real bad.
- keeping everything to myself
- not speaking my mind. or telling what i want

5 biggest joys:

- my family
- my close friends
- being alive
- going to the movies
- shopping

5 fictional characters I would date:

- Shawn Hunter! ha! : Boy Meets World..when I was like..14
- the Greek guy from the Traveling Pants movie...he's adorable!
- Johnny Depp ... which movie.... ummm.. that's a toughy...
- Matt Mchouganey from Sahara..don't know his character name...
- Peter Parker : Spiderman. cutie!

5 people I tag to do this:

- Jake
- do they have to be from livejournal?
- crap..i only have two friends
- i feel lame
- blah blah blah
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