we're spontaneous.. ya well..

May 12, 2006 13:40

So me and Danita had the absolute best past couple days ever... it was a pretty spontaneous decision we made one morning... Well we decided Tuesday morning that we wanted to go to Ohio... about 11 am we decided.. we left at about 2:30pm.. 6 hour drive..very good navigation skills lol. Went to visit an old friend at Kent State.. it was the best.. lol ... We almost died a few times on the way back tho.. almost got squished on the highway cuz ppl are completely stupid and don't look at where they are going..oh and some guys decides to tell us he was a pervert at a gas station.. we were like uhhh... lol.. wierdo!!
But ya, Tuesday night consisted of getting drunk after we got there, then going to the mall the next day then leaving that night.. gettin home at about 2 in the morning.. and i hadda drive the whole way there and back cuz Danita cant drive a stick.. it sucked.. but it was all worth it pretty much.

So basically being at a university made us realize how much Muskegon sucks and how 100% sure we are that we are gettin out of here at the end of the summer.. gonna go live in Philly and go to Temple Univerity.. it's raw.. and has perfect programs for the both of us. Just gotta wait for a response letter from my app. I'm definatly not staying trapped in this city any longer.. there's way more out there to see!!

Also before all this goes down.. during the beginning of July Danita and I are taking another road trip n going to visit her friend down in Alabama.. ya we're gonna drive there too! Crazyness.. but I guess the excitement is all planned out for us when we get there... clubs..umm i think a baseball game, beaches, and other stuff--I'm way excited! Don't know how long we're stayin there for...

Life is having its high points lately and I love it!
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