Lately it's been even easier to see than usual that I am surrounded by good people. (This includes
you. There's a reason you're in small number.) Everyone I'm choosing to spend time with is well worth it.
Tonight I had two wonderful conversations. The first one was an extremely religious coworker. I'm not sure our world-views could be more different. However, we get along well and respect each other so he can be very nice to talk to. Tonight we discussed our personal morals and how they related and differed from each others'. It got pretty intense but not in an angry or frustrated sort of way. More a "This really means a lot to me; how can I clearly express it?" sort of way.
It's good to be listened to in such a conversation but it's even nicer to listen when you're being spoken to respectfully and sensibly, without any of the vitriol that can occur. I enjoy having to think through my beliefs every once in a while and tonight was excellent as far as that went. He made some very good points that deserve more consideration -- especially when we were on the subject of marriage.
The second was with one of the few people left at the ski area that I've known since I started. Equally intense but for the opposite reason -- we communicate very well together so we can say a great deal in a short period of time. He always gives me something to think about.
Tonight's conversation was about drugs. He was coming down from DXM and trying to explain to me how it works. He's far more thorough than I am when it comes to researching these things (and I'm fairly good at looking into how substances effect me before using them) so it's always interesting to talk to him. He also knows me well enough to make the call on whether or not something is appropriate for me. It's very nice to have someone experienced that I can trust willing to walk me through and answer my questions. I've gotten better care from him than I have from doctors prescribing me drugs.
We kept getting interrupted which is never good when you're trying to learn about illegal substances and is even worse when one of you is still slightly fucked. No big deal, mainly people saying goodnight, but I could visibly watch him mentally hold back. We were pretty into the psychological and emotional effects of DXM by the time people began wandering over and we're always straight with each other so other people weren't really welcome.
And immature (but well-intentioned and fairly sweet) coworker? I'm well aware of how we were looking at each other. We've been in love for years but uh . . . there's really no drama to it so please don't try to create any. It's entirely possible to feel an entirely friendly love for someone without even considering dating them. And it's really odd that you should try to fashion that drama considering we were talking about how nifty each of our new relationships are when you were there.
Ooh, I also got to see a friend I've drifted away from in the past few years. I don't think we'll get close again but it's nice to see him. Being around him is pleasant in and of itself; he's got the calmest vibe of anyone I've ever met.
The resort really felt like home tonight.