Jan 18, 2007 00:34

I knew I was forgetting to do something these past few days- Oops! Tomorrow marjs the start of StoppardFest, the 2007 Master Playwrights Festival. This year, I'm participating in Tom Stoppard's play "Arcadia" with Theatre Incarnate. The show is going excellently and I'm very proud of it. Here's the info!

Tom Stoppard's

Performances are at Studio Incarnate, 320 - 70 Albert Street (3rd floor walkup, not wheelchair accessible) at the corner of McDermot.

Evening performances are 8pm
January 18th, 19th, 20th, 25th, 26th, 27th
February 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Sunday Matinees 2pm
January 21st and 28th.

ADMISSION: $15.00 (Cash/StoppardPass)

Venue Capacity: 60 Patrons

Tickets are available by reservation at 952-1533 (24 hour voice mailbox). Box Office opens 60 minutes before showtime.
Reservations not picked up by 15 minutes before the performance may be sold to waiting patrons.

Theatre Incarnate's show (The Hairy Ape) was one of the best in last year's festival and this year promises to repeat that success. Seating is limited, so make sure to reserve ASAP. Thanks!

Check out or for more info.

None of the days are sold out yet, but apparently the reservations are going quite quickly. Please, come check it out!
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