So yesterday, after school I came home to play Halo. That's always the way I start off my weekends.
Around 345 Davey came over, and we were going to go see Mr.Strzelecki. And we did just that. It wasn't like I pictured it. He wasn't excited to see us. We chatted a little bit. He told us about new staff. Asked us about highschool. Then he ran us off, kind of. Then gave us suckers.
We then left to see Mrs.Callahan. David entered the room saying "We're here for tutoring." She was so excited to see us! I love Mrs. Callahan. She's so great. The only thing was that she actually was doing tutoring, so she had to assist her other kids. We gave her hugs, and then we left. The walk back home was DejaVou. Last year.
We got to Meccas street, and I hung out with the two biggest bad asses on the block. We raced and stuff. It was cool.
I came home and just hung out all day, relaxation period. I had pizza for dinner. Then I talked online with Lindsay, and we talked about how I'm always sad. I love that girl, she's so awesome.I promise.
So the day was okay, at least I walked away with something no one else did...
A lolli-pop from C. Strzelecki.
Beat that. I dare you, try to beat it.