So what's going on this weekend?
I wouldn't know.
In this case its not the years that are setting my friends and I apart.
It's the days.
The weekends are more of family time lately....
I've been missing out on a few movies and things such as.
And so far, to be honest I feel like there's nothing to look foward to.
Sometimes there is.
Mail is good.
So in the past week I've gotten the new SR CD.
My Bright Eyes Shirt.
And I'm expecting my letter from Lindsay, that she's owed me for a while.
The new SR CD is good. I like it. But it's too sad.
Not really.
I don't like how they changed the old songs though.
Speaking of CDs I want to thank Travis for lending me those Gorillaz CDs.
So Travis, know I appreciated it.
My grades in school are iffy.
This next week determines whether or not Maki and I will spend countless hours playing Halo 2 on XBox Live.
So for the next month there's not much on this ajenda.
Zach Medranos Arrival
Thanksgiving WIth Sam and all the cool kids!
I'll be stuck in a car on my way to Mexico.
I also forgot to mention that I got to hang with Leah and Ms.K at Fuel.
It was quality Maki and Olvera time.
Then we also met up with Ms.Owak.
How coollllllll.
We've made some cute+funny miniclips in the backyard.
For some's funny watching David Hernandez wack a plastic whale as fast as he can towards Garrett Maki's face.
I feared the Flu.
But luckily just a regular cold.
It sucked horribly though.
I spent yesterday layed down.
Watching movies, and procrastinating on homework.
Is what Beamens car says.
Today at lunch, Willy approached me of something that I simply denied.
Because I thought he spoke of this of nothing more than assumption.
Which I guess could be said.
Or maybe that it was coincidence that he said something.
Because he was on the right track.
Because I do happen to like her.
You tell me what it is about me that never seems to get anywhere with these things we like to call women.
You tell me it's attractivness, we'll call it fair.
OblivionHumpMe: ahhhh! your away message is the poem!
Auto response from doodiloveyoo:
"I smell you with every grizz I skin."
OblivionHumpMe: hahahah!
OblivionHumpMe: thats so awesome
OblivionHumpMe: i see your smile in the rainbow!
OblivionHumptMe: i love how your shit looks like corn and mud!
I miss this guy.
Maki Come Back To School As Gay As It Sounds I Miss You P.S. I'm not gay.
Call me a homo:
Tell me how far that comment button is.